How sustainability can drive a print management software

November 16, 2023

Print management software can be the first push for a company that aims to acquire a green printing status.

A survey by Quocirca found that business awareness of sustainability and the environment is here to stay. According to the study, three-quarters of the more than 1,000 respondents expect to reduce paper consumption by 2025. In addition, 71% of businesses expect sustainability to become a “very important or important factor” in 2025. 

The evolution of business sustainability concerns is accelerating the search for services offered by print providers, as well as expectations about this type of service. Several measures ensure an approach that meets the perspectives of customers, employees, and stakeholders, including eco-printing or green printing. 

In this new context, the role of print providers is to understand the current demands and add services that meet the sustainable requirements of their customers. Understanding this moment allows them to become a market leader, including offering services and features related to sustainability in a search for expanding their portfolio. 

>> Learn how a company can implement environmental responsibility initiatives and connect them with ESG strategies with Green Carbon

How sustainability affects the print management software market 

Even in the mobility era, some companies will still rely on paper. Almost seven of 10 IT managers (65%) believe that print documents will still be relevant for enterprises in 2025, according to Quocirca research.  

For companies, that means searching for ways to reduce their prints, and trying to achieve an eco-printing or green printing status. Below, we describe alternatives to reduce paper in companies, such as energy consumption and other supplies. 

Digitization workflow – This is usually the first step to reducing paper consumption. The process also ensures the organization in several aspects, such as standardization, efficiency, agility, and control of digitization flows. A solution like NDD Print Digital Shift offers all of these benefits to clients of print providers. 

Print policy – Another easily feasible measure to reduce paper consumption is printing policies for a business. That means a set of rules for a company to ensure more rational and conscious consumption of supplies in a printing fleet. See more details about the functionality in this article

Printing quotas – While print policy establishes rules—quality standards, double-sided printing, and other points—printing quotas consist of limits established by individuals or in each department. The client can define the type of printing quota, according to its goal

Carbon compensation – If sustainability becomes a pillar for businesses, the measures taken for this purpose should be promoted or highlighted strategically. Green Carbon aims to offset the CO2 generated by a business through a recognized seal for this purpose, contributing, among other points, to the reputation and image of the brand. Learn more in this article

Logistics optimization – That is usually neglected by many organizations. The difficulties of predicting consumption, making predictive maintenance of the print fleet, and having efficient counters lead to more spending on travel and customer service.  

In a company that accounts for its impact on the atmosphere and aims to reduce energy and fuel consumption, the less use of vehicles, the greater its operational efficiency. 

Do you need help to implement these measures in your business? Talk with our consultants and learn how to acquire an eco-printing status for your company!


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