What are the differences between cloud, WaaS, and SaaS?

September 12, 2022

Many people suffer to understand the terms, but they are a reality in print management services offered by NDD Print and NDD Orbix

Amid the digital transformation, several abbreviations are part of the business universe, like WaaS (Workplace as a Service) and SaaS (Software as Service), among other terms, most disseminated in the routine, as the cloud. To many professionals, these concepts are clear and precise, while others suffer to understand them. 

In a print management environment, these concepts are already part of the daily routine without the client perceiving that. The challenge is to connect them in a way that results in a simple and efficient service for users, allowing the achievement of objectives and demands. 

One of the great benefits – mainly of the cloud and the SaaS – is the reduction of technical costs to offer a service like print management. That becomes most accessible, including small and medium-sized companies. Let’s understand what means these services: 


Previously, the companies needed to install a program or solution in the device or at the servers to execute them. The cloud allows information that could be accessed by the internet, without installation. That way, enterprises do not need to manage physical servers or install applications on the machines. 

There is no surprise that cloud print management should dominate the market, as we explain in this article

– Software as a Service (SaaS) – The cloud allows people to use a solution without installation – NDD Print, for example, works that way. When the platforms can be accessed by a browser on the internet, it is a service within the concept of SaaS.  

In this model, the client does not concern about updates, hardware, or software. He is just a user, and the requirement to access the service is an internet connection. In this article, we showed five benefits of print management that operate as a SaaS.  

– Workplace as a Service (WaaS) – The pandemic accelerates a transformation that was already happening in many companies: the permission for home office or hybrid work. The WaaS follows the SaaS logic: a company hires everything necessary for their employees could work from distributed environments

WaaS included devices (desktops, notebooks, and smartphones) and even furniture, depending on the terms of the contract. ReportLinker research showed that WaaS should grow at a CAGR of 12.6% from 2020-2027. 

What is the impact on print management? 

When we apprehend these three concepts, it becomes simple to understand how they are used daily by NDD Print clients. In the first place, all the necessary structure to operate is external to the client, which means no costs. The service is delivered in the cloud. 

When the service is used by the browser, regardless of the device or the localization of the employee, it is a tool that fits as a SaaS. That offers the client simplicity and fewer problems. 

Also, after the pandemic, it is already clear that home office and hybrid work came to stay. In this new reality, many companies choose WaaS solutions instead of acquiring all the necessary structures for employees working from home. 

Since print management companies rent devices to print environments, it is natural to offer this new service to their clients. They already know risks, and possibilities, and have the required networking. 


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