How print accounting can support the MPS and their clients

September 26, 2022

Management of print accounting is the basis for the success of the relationship between the MPS and their client, giving autonomy and the ability to define their rules in print environments

Despite the sustainable aspects, the print market should grow from US$ 800 billion in 2016 to US$ 843 billion in 2026, according to research from Smithers. The study already contemplates the difficulties that the sector lived in the global pandemic, showing that the market is recovering and coming to terms related to new operating environments. 

The new relationship between Managed Print Services and their client will include a sustainable agenda. A report from Quocirca shows that the print sector is on a journey to digital reinvention. According to the research, 76% of companies consider sustainability a “highly important” credential for business until 2025. With this reasoning in mind, MPS and clients work together to achieve this goal. 

The print management business requires a long-term relationship between the provider and clients. The MPS’ role is to offer new features and teach the client how to use them. One of the basis for the efficiency of a print management solution is accounting, which will demonstrate how people are printing in the business. 

>> NDD Print 360 guarantees 99% accuracy in data collection and monitoring. Learn more about the solution. 

More expenses control 

Many businesses need more control of print operations, which could be achieved with intelligent solutions to end waste. The challenge is to apply the technology to discipline your users to only print content that is both required and consistent with the corporation print and copy policies. 

One of the keys aspects of a good relationship between provider and client is assurance and tracking of all the print environments, as we showed in this article. When that happens, it is easy to guarantee actual data automatically, aiming to facilitate the decision-making for leaders.  

Another common difficulty is user experience. Some solutions create barriers to applying the features since there is complexity, which does not happen at NDD Print 360. 

Print policies and quotas 

Also, the company can establish policies and quotas in the cloud. That initiative will discipline and control prints without intervention. It will be possible to know who, when, where, amount, cost, printer, workstation, color, and project/account center of each print document in the company. 

Gartner Institute Research showed that print costs achieve between 1% and 3% of a company’s annual revenue, which proves the importance of applying print policies in a company. We explained how to do that in this article! It is possible to assign costs to projects or accounts of allocation, since the traceability is easily obtainable.  

It is simple to create and set print policies for users, respecting the company rules and establishing complex restrictions in less than a minute. As soon as they exist, they will be available to users.  

The same argument works for print quotas. They provide a print policy aligned to the purposes of the service, rearranging according to the profile of each business. Learn about the five types of quotas and their characteristics: informative, blocking, private or corporate, recurrent, and additional.  

The distribution can be performed automatically by a group, by a user, or by both, cumulative or non-cumulative. Control can be done by quotas, page, value, or color, according to the client’s interest, generating alerts or locking users that exceeded their limits. It is also possible to chargeback: by assigning certain documents to the project or account center. 

If the client has urgency, the NDD Print 360 offers the solution. Both print policies and print quotas depend on the ability to properly account to guarantee the rational use of the resources. Otherwise, the provider and the company can compromise their work since they decide without receiving the necessary data. 


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